North Geelong Football Netball Club Proud Life Member Inductees
Ormond T Abley
Alex V Wilson
J.T.P. Frewin
John G Hughes
George L Pownall
Firth Cranstoun
George Cowley
Jack Lewis
Max Batty
Burt Dandy
Edward Peters
Brian Mowat
Patty Dean
Kevin Harrington
Graham Mathesion
Len Kendrick
Raymond Bews
Norman Barclay
Keith Barclay
Arthur Kenneally
Stanley Myer
Edward Price
Neil Tompkins
Kevin Dean
Kenneth McIntyre
Alex McIntyre
Stuart Mapleson
Noel Walker
Walter Schallar
Ronald Clifford
Len Clifford
Jack Dean
Alan Arnold
Noel Brown
Robert Smith
Robert Cunningham
Bruce Tompkins
Jack Smith
Bob Barclay
Reg Dean
Robert V Barclay
Clive Martella
Jack Barclay
Jim Allthorpe
Basil Mackinnon
Graham West
David Wilson
Harold Watson
Donald Ricketts
Gerald Tither
Stanley Canny
Dale Jennings
Ian Donaldson
Donald Dower
Edward Lockwood
Brian Cone
David Willis Snr
Lance Collins
Raymond Rushton
David L Willis
Graham Willis
Doug Sherman
Clive Waugh
Graham Dalziel
John Lidstone
John Paterson
Dale Mather
Ronald Willis
Garry Battye
Alex Perry
Les Carr
Peter Hamblett
Brian Hodgkins
Ken Rigg
Paul Cameron
Brian Patterson
Lorna Lockwood
Melva Harrington
Nancy Hodgkins
Beverley Rushton
Mavis Allthorpe
Gwen Lubke
Ronald Rigg
Peter Ryan
Gary Birch
Steven Dragicevic
Gordon Hodgkins
Phillip Anderson
Peter Waugh
John Harrington
Graham Alford
Russell Bellears
Kevin Brown
Jeff Cameron
Jeff Mahoney
Mark Cameron
Hans Van Tiggelen
Carlos Gomez
Stewart Hardman
Dale Trevaskis
Laurie Armstrong
Wayne Collins
Richard Philpott
Peter Clifford
Dennis Hynes
Neil Alford
Tim Schwennesen
Craig Farrell
Robert McCall
Dennis Harrington
Paul Cotter
Russell Nicol
Daryl Jones
Tony Schwennesen
Stephen Simpson
Geoff Ryan
Steven Janssen
Gavin Lane
Ray Priddle
Dean Hynes
Craig Cook
Kane Harrington
Joanne Farrell
Kevin Longstaff
Chris Friars
Troy Elzinga
Carol Elzinga
Kelly Parker
Briony Elzinga
Donn Fisher
Jamie Wiese
Sylvia Luczo
Lauren Birch
Paul Longstaff
Jaimie Watts
Sarah Fitzsimmons
Jason Habib
Jamie Mahoney
Tina Schwennesen
Derek Fitzsimmons
Darren Mathisen
Wendy Frears
Elisha Friars
Genna Gomez
Luke Parker

Criteria for Life Membership Nomination:
Life Membership is awarded to a member to acknowledge the substantial and outstanding voluntary contributions they have made to the ongoing success and viability of the North Geelong Football Netball Club.
A member is eligible for nomination after:
  • 200 senior Club games (a senior game is categorised as any game played in a senior grade of sport).
  • 10 years Club service (not necessarily continuous) and service is defined as being involved in an official capacity in either an on or off-field capacity.
  • A financial member for at least 10 years.
  • Whether playing or ‘in-service’, the substantial and outstanding voluntary contributions is be supported by a character of strong moral integrity.
The nomination will then be subject to the Life Member Board for the assessment process.
  • Senior sport is defined as any sporting competition beyond a defined age group limitation.
  • Weight will be given to the specific level of playing for or service to the club and the detail will be reviewed in the research undertaken by the Life Member Board in response to a nomination in accord with the above criteria.
  • All nominations must be presented to the board before the end of the season (Round 18)
Notes to the Criteria:
  • Eligibility does not necessarily translate directly to a successful nomination as an assessment must still be undertaken.
  • 200 senior games can be at any level of senior sport.
  • Senior sport is any sporting competition ‘above’ an age group limitation.
  • If a person has his/her years of service ‘interrupted’ then allowances may be made subject to assessment.
  • Strong moral integrity is defined as “following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no-one is watching you. Having integrity means you are true to yourself and would do nothing that demeans or dishonours you or the Club”.